Saturday, March 5, 2011

Keys to the Repository by Melissa De La Cruz

First off, sorry i have not posted... i'm just a lazy person.
Second, I really hope that i spelled the author's name right.
Third, this book sucked.

I liked this series. It was a good one. I just think that it gets way to confusing with it constantly switching the point of views. Then the author decided to add different views into some of the later books (view of Deming.. sorta wanted to skip these chapters) It just got to confusing. By the time i got back to the perspective of the first character, i find myself forgetting what was going on with that person anyway.

Also, i didn't like how short the books are. The author could have easily divided the books better. With such short story plots to each book, it's hard to remember what came before. Like for misguided angels. It took me a while to get to read it when it came out. By the time i got around to reading it, i had forgotten what happened in the other books. I don't like books that are like that. most of the time, i could recall what happened as i read through the book, but this book was short, so i did not have a time to catch up with the plot.

Now onto the actual book that i am supposed to be discussing. This book was.... meh. I was reading it in class one day and i almost fell asleep (you know that sensation when you're falling?? I had that sensation and JERKED in my seat making sounds in a quiet room full of students reading >.<). It was really boring to read. I expected more out of a companion novel. I thought that it would be a story told in the point of view of someone else. Instead it was basically background information about all the characters. At the end it had a list of most of the characters (i say most because i don't know all the characters) that was ever mentioned in the series. This made is especially boring because i do not even remember 1/2 of the characters that were mentioned.

I also didn't like that this "companion" book was written during the series. Throughout the rest of the series, more characters could have been added. Does she want to write a second companion novel? that would make the companion novels their own series... and if it turns out like that... then i'm going to be sorry to say that series will suck. I mean if it was something like The Fledgling Handbook by P.C. Cast then that would be acceptable (still need to read). Something that just explained how the blue bloods got their memories and things. but to explain each family or person in detail just makes it dry and boring.

read books... THEY'RE GOOD FOR YOU! :)